General massage means massaging the body, such as: back, neck, upper limbs, lower limbs accompanied by buttocks, chest, abdomen and head. The duration of the procedure is 60 - 100 min (depending on the body mass)
Honey massage is often used for back massage and is also an anti-cellulite massage, with very visible results. The duration of the procedure is 20 min, anti-cellulite is 45 min.
This type of massage focuses on problem areas where there is the most cellulite. The duration of the massage varies from person to person depending on how many areas are worked on.
If you have any questions or need further information, please call: 0603 01 467 or use our contact form below!
The massage office is located in Chisinau. Adress: Focșani 4 street, Vernocte massage cabinet